Vance Legstrong

This is the hard hitting journalism Hold-My-Dirk expects when Hold-My-Dirk visits Deadspin.

I came here to throw water on the whole presumption of universal hate for Fallon on SNL, so you *really* fooled me into thinking you were gonna be that person for me.

Instead, you gave a detailed description of the malevolent forces of savvy charm that were *actually* causing him to break so much, and how much everyone

You “The Big Joker is the Guarantee Joker” nyuckas is wrong, wrong wrong. The Big Joker is the BIG. JOKER.

Hayden Gillum was also T’d up for filming a basketball game in portrait mode

Those jackets are pretty badass!

Crotch, you would see his head up there otherwise.

It appears that the photo shows the back of his jacket and he’s wearing a single vent suit (very unstylish, get with the times) so I can say with certainty it’s his ass.

Please rename the post to “Ass, posts photo of Ass. Looks like an Ass.”

They should have a two minute tribute of Antoine Walker breaking the play to jack up contested threes. Shimmy!

Don’t forget turn of the last century Robber Baron/Silent Film archvillain

You would’ve been right to have them earn it themselves. This kid demanded which alot of kids do now and their parents just give them whatever they want. The dad spent an afternoon ignoring his kid and not even bonding over the experience. The kid spent the money with no appreciation or care and changed suits within


I remember an interview with AJ Hinch talking about how helpful Beltran was in reading pitchers and letting the Astros’ staff know when they were tipping pitches, so it’s possible the source is Beltran and he doesn’t care about the fact getting out now.

The fact you believe any NFL players deserves to be cheap-shotted because another person missed the call is..........

Of course. A missed defensive holding call is beyond the pale and completely deserving of an unexpected decapitation attempt that forces the db from the game.

Earlier this year, climber Brian Koralewski was working on a V6 problem in Little Rock Canyon, Utah, near Provo.