Vance Legstrong

Nieto: “We should get together sometime.”

Or the other way around. See: Giants, Jets, Statue of Liberty.

Rodney Harrison says this dog isn’t black. Nice try, Tony.

If all goes well, next issue ...

We used to frame like that on my LL team ... because we only had one beat-up old catcher’s mitt and had to wait for the paralyzing hand sting to subside before resuming normal activity.

Lacazette is not a target man, therefore (it appears) he will not be selected as a no. 9 for France under Deschamps. Lacazette can’t supplant Gignac either (for the same reason), but no one would argue he’s not better.

I think it’s spelled “aluminium”

“It’s about time”

Dalvin could perhaps be the best RB in the nation (NFL included?). Here’s hoping he stays healthy this season and beyond. But, he’s so 2015.

Love the idea, was thinking myself how awesome LeBron would be at handball (with minimal training) watching the medal matches this weekend (Could he just jump in the net; score without even shooting?).

Take that pro-Wisconsin basketball crap somewhere else.

Would be really awkward if she did Kurt’s singlet shedding move tho. And you’d kind of have to.

CNBC reported they paid for the broken door before leaving the gas station.

Duh, “the left.” I just felt immediate shame.

I love how the guy to his left moved a little bit, and then felt immediate shame.

He’s just a really big Cosby fan.

Pretty sure I would wreck shit at 50m rifle, all positions, but would somehow shoot myself celebrating certain victory in the second round or so.

$28 donations are pretty meh, anyway. I’d be pissed. Make it $30 bitches.

Make Tebow Great Again ... If he was any sort of decent at baseball, he should/would have went the Weinke route. Maybe he could have learned to throw in the minors.

So that’s how you tie a tie. Thanks, Tara. Maybe I can get a job now. What’s that about dicks again?