@Settings: I think this is the way to go for me.
@Settings: I think this is the way to go for me.
@sweetelectro: Is it any comfort that all western countries are pretty much the same?
@Settings: We should have a name like 'Semitarian'. People who cut down on eating meat should have the right to claim that they are at least doing something, right? I mean only when they actually eat veggy stuff half of the time and don't compensate by eating twice as much meat the day after.
@yogi2200: I have friends who are vegetarians and even they say otherwise.
I've worked at a chicken farm and it was nothing like this.
If you call anything an iPhone 'killer' you are a moron for various reasons.
I have 120Mbps for 40 Euros, and my boss pays. :-)
It's complicated. Had there been a terrorist blowing up an airplane because of a prosthetic everyone would have accepted this.
I have the Lego Space Shuttle. It rules.
I want a "Knock it off!" button to stop Windows from doing anything in the background when I'm working/gaming.
Ah another design that will never see the light of day.
@dcdttu: That's what I was thinking.
@berbar: Seconded.
@ajr: You could have ripped your CD's. What's so special about being able to spend more money on stuff you probably already own.
Yes, that's what we needed. Another social network to share the crap no one cares about.
@The Squalor and the Fury: No one has more than 50 actual friends.
@Benjamin Urquidez: I think you misunderstood the whining from musicians about downloading. It doesn't make them poor, it makes them slightly less insanely rich.
Being completely addicted to Lego I'm happy Giz posts stuff like this every once in a while.
@black_peter: That is right, it bounced back, I think. You can see it falling into the place they film it. Kinda.
@technomom1: You can choose other colors :-)