
You know excaclty what you download, you get a screen with the permissions before you install any app.

Way to go with the scrolling, now no one had a decent look at whatever that was.

Well, I'm going to check better from now on.

Apple had it coming. Bashing other companies as an excuse for your own mess was a bad idea.

I can't remember ever seeing a phone screen that was disappointing. It really doesn't matter that much, it's just a phone. Most screens even have no problems showing video in decent quality, but honestly on a screen that small it's not a joyful experience anyway.

Why are they planning past 2012?

I bet Scooter sounds like crap on that set.

@dfp3050: Internet media can't compete with the quality of a Blu-Ray disc. The difference is still spectacular.

I'm not a fan of Samsung but this is pretty funny. A tasteful revenge on the tasteless excuse Apple made for bad reception.

Young Jeff Bridges looks fake, but the movie can get away with it because the character is not real anyway.

@Chewmieser: I bet that's what people said when Color-TV made it's appearance.

Saw Shrek in IMAX 3D, on a 'tiny' IMAX screen.

@Dogen: Holy crap, I didn't know it was that bad! Luckily my operator gave me a 'clean' phone.

Rooted my HTC Hero, threw off a lot of crap. QuickOffice, Footprints, even the mail client. Rooting rules.

Awesome examples of tesselation can be found here: []

@IsLaNd3r - and the chipmunks: It's the same on my work-pc (XP x64), home laptops (XP,7) and PC (7). My collegues have the same issues. (we're a Web development agency, which makes this extra frustrating)

Lately I've had such serious issues with FF 3.6 that I was forced to switch to Chrome. I'm talking being non-responsive for a minute, hogging every % of CPU for most of the time. 3.6 is a wreck.

He should be riding a dinosaur on that t-shirt, it would be more fitting to his lack of adaptation to modern media.

Also worth noting, it seems the Desire plays it at about the same speed as my Hero. (Desire has 2.5 times more pixels to render but still)