
Kim was, is the thing. Her first marriage, to a guy she married at 19, was abusive. I don’t know if she’s publicly gone into the grisly details but she really shouldn’t have to.

I can honestly say, if my mom had felt the need to abort me, I would understand and be OK with it. I know anti-choice activists like to snakily ask that “Well what if your mom had an abortion?” and my thought it, if she’d needed to, and did, fine, because I love her and would have wanted her to do what was best for

That’s about the size of it. Abortions won’t stop just because clinics close. They will just become incredibly unsafe, and women will die or be maimed as they attempt to terminate these unwanted pregnancies. The well-to-do will always be able to get their D&Cs, but the poor and desperate are the ones who will suffer.

Dude, this is an article about a dead baby. Seriously? You wanna be that guy?

That’s one thing dating long distance teaches you; your partner will definitely be hanging out with people of the same gender when you’re not there, and so will you, and that’s just the way it is.

I like Amber Rose. But, I’m not a huge fan of her saying that all men cheat. Isn’t making a blanket statement about a gender exactly what she’s trying to rally against?

Now playing

Oh, they certainly are “out of touch” in the sense that they’re not living the reality of it. But it’s one thing to not live it, and another to not know or understand the reality for the vast majority of americans.

The money thing matters because Donald’s entire campaign is built on the idea that he would be a good president because he’s such a great businessman.

When Christian people talk about being persecuted for their faith this behavior is the problem. They are being called out for being racist, sexist, ageist assholes who don’t seem to follow any moral compass besides mean girls. Not for believing in JC.

So very true. It really is why listening to all the voices anywhere is a bad idea. People are dumb and people in large groups are even dumber. It’s also why I should not be concerned with what is going to happen tomorrow at work. I have no fucking idea what is going to happen. None of us ever do. We all need to just

What I found astonishing was the offended manchildrens’ failure to understand that many of the rabid fans of the original were women. This remake isn’t “for women” any more than the original was “for men”. It’s the same old falsehood rearing it’s head again; that female protagonists are for a strictly female audience,

Except that The Hunger Games already exists with a male lead, under the title of Every Other Action Movie Ever Made: Parts XXI-DCLXVI.

Isn’t forcing someone to have a child they don’t want a lot more like slavery?

I broke up with a friend who, as I was crying from being exhausted by the sexual harassment I was receiving in a muslim country on vacation, told me “you should be happy you’re getting attention, no one is even paying attention to me”. Fuck her and her fucking face.

How motherfucking ignorant do you have to be to think that “maitre” is two separate words? Maitre means “master” in French - maitre d’[hotel] is literally master of the house, which should at least be somewhat familiar to anyone who’s seen Les Miserables. “Mai tre” means fuck all, unless you’re deliberately going for

The substance is in the end of the sentence I quoted.

Laying the blame or placing someone else at fault is not and will never be an apology. It doesn’t even *pass* for an apology. What about this is impossible to grasp? Good Lord.

That’s how most of us were introduced to her so I don’t think that’s particularly negative.