@wild_world_girl: tell us more, insight's rare
@wild_world_girl: tell us more, insight's rare
@dude_crush: Nice to see Global Voices gaining on popularity.
@luckybaka: He's released a number of android copies of himself that act as photobombers, ultimately tricking public into believing he in fact doesn't physically torture Apple developers all day.
@medopal: @pj_rage: @walkejos: @thebearjew: @Channan: @JeffPom: @heavenisforlosers: @Turkieshooter: @Carson J Gallo:
@Joe Stoner: Did you just compare Windows XP to 10 year newer OSX...
@chefgon: No. Apple has the coolest, most magical and original way of running the company. Like a cool huge startup.
Please, is this 'news'?
@Peter Hellmuth: oh no you didn't, you
@CommentingpointlesslyisMeh: agreed
@junior ghoul: speaking of add-ons (do you mean extensions?) – I wonder what's stopping me from developing one which stores login/password for some of your services. Right, Google doesn't have any approval process for extensions to speed up their development.
@vlatro: Are you a credible physicist? It's just that I thought universe is a space to some measure and it's, by the way, not entirely globular. Is that wrong?
@junior ghoul: I think I have to remind here the painfully slow development of all Chrome versions. Even if it makes to the labs, it'll see the light of a day as late as the medical breakthroughs we keep reading about on giz. Think bazillion years.
@randomher0: Chrome has plentiful of issues to solve before adding new feats. Like, I would appreciate if it played flash/quicktime videos without crashing every damned second time, or, e.g. if it had properly working history. Or that retarded suggestions, so when I'm typing gizmo... into the address bar, it doesn't…
[accidental post]
@Petey Liu: Lucky one. Mine, for some unknown reason, never backups. Lost tons of prefs/files because of it.
@joelydanger: happens to me in every freakin' browser