

Focal Dystonia. 

I love JR. He gives zero fucks and is completely crazy. 

I’m not sure Butler is better than Towns. I can’t decide which one of them is overrated.


It was a terrible movie, hence the talking. So boring, just so, so, so fucking boring.

Taking a phone call is justification for getting a drink dumped on your head. 

I would have choked him to death with that pizza. Fucking last episode of Sopranos, what an asshole.

You, sir or madam, are my hero. I have this exact plight. 

They were talking because Dunkirk is a bad movie and they were bored. It was like shockingly bad, like holy shit is this movie bad.

I’m not sure why, but I find this incredibly sad.

It has a rail system downtown, but yes, definitely a driving city.

Houston isn’t a bad city, it’s no New York or Chicago, but it’s definitely better than Cleveland.

Agreed this did not need to be published. The man is clearly having a psychotic episode.

If you punch a wall or a blackboard in this case, the most likely result is a broken hand.

This is a moronic take.

Nobody gives a shit if athletes use peds.

Those collars are not normal.

Flat Eartherism is played out though. Need something newer...anyone got anything, you know...for when I get my Twitter hack on.

Who the fuck is Tommy?