
@MaWeiTao: 1,200 ft long, approx 300 ft high, according to source link.

Surely there are worse lies being told...

Her jaw doesn't seem to open very wide, which is important for a certain type of gesture... So, how is she supposed to yawn?

@JennaW: Scientists speculate that this is a common mating pattern among submarines. After successful procreation, the females beach themselves to lay their sub pups in the mud for incubation. When they hatch, the sub pups return to the sea to pursue a long life of evasion and missile killing. The appearance of

@meechybee: And put a board underneath to get some traction. It's so obvious...

Barack could have one-up Clinton right then and there.

What. IS. This.... A center for ANTS?!?!?!?!?!

Meanwhile the states shit all over my tax returns from three and four years ago for a couple thousand dollars? Because the bar code printed out wrong on the forms? Nice.

@darkslide: It cut me deep when I read that. I think I left work early that day...

@RedRaider: Had to get a smart one, didn't ya! I swear I would catch my buddy's bagel trying to pick a lock out of the corner of my eye when I had my back turned...

@RedRaider: Why the collar in the house? Afraid your beaglebaggle is gunna sneak up on ya?! Hardwood floors are the answer ha ha.

@ryoshi: Ugh, I can't even look at in the eyes... Maybe it was all part of the act of making it work. Still, I feel sick to my stomach.

@Onizuka-GTO: Ha ha deal! I'm gunna hold you to that, friend. I should start making alliances now so that it will be easier for me to raise capital to start my rickshaw business :P

@tomsomething: It's made my afternoon to hear google translate try and "say" that out loud.

They don't seem to have a problem exporting human beings to southern California... Not precious enough ?

@tomsomething: And that right there is why I hearted 62,000 posts ago. You get TWO pieces of cake on your birthday this year.

Maybe get rid of the keyboard and track pad, turn the screen around and make it multi-touch. Then you wouldn't have that arm fatigue problem...