
I'm sorry, but this is pretty genius. Mostly because I don't have the talent to create it, and more so because I have a deep respect for these men, sans the incessant indulgence of wacky weed. It's more than a fantastic way to honor the memory of not just an influential scientist, and Carl Sagan is more than the few

@bustedchain: I'm glad to have you with me on the sarcasm train. It is a relief after the article was reposted below me several times, in case I missed the one above.

is this one of those "no harm no foul" situations?

@philibuster: The trick is to put all the weight onto your shoulders and back and take your legs completely out of the picture.

FIRST of all. Shame on this invention. Seriously. Shame on it. Secondly, and more disturbing, the hook in the box of the first picture appears like a strap-on for the girl in the box behind it. Nice.

@Adam: Really? I think in the end, that makes him even more badass, for making that choice before he even begins; to be carried over what would be what would be the high-rise I work in. Kudos. I don't know what "kudos" are, but if you have some, I propose giving them all to him.

Holy f*ck balls. He wins, I lose. At some point, and thank God he held on, he said "Well, it was pretty sweet living... goodbye world..."

@secretmanofagent: Touché salesman. That is a much better finish, and a much better match. I hope tmo hands out LP stickers to cover up the silly Fender logo (and a personal apology to my Fender and my PRS).

@Sleaze: I respectfully disagree with you It is clearly a PRS Singlecut SE - Tobacco Sunburst...

@ninjagin: If those red in China figured it out for their overly complicated squiggle-scratch I think our tablet can do it. My PocketPC wasn't perfect at it... but that was 1999.

@OldSchoolGadgetLover: Hmm, I might be over-cleverizing this, but I'm not sure what 1.405006118x10^51 has to do with this...

@Slippy: Nooooooo!: That's a good answer. Case closed, thank you good game no rematch.

@MisterWho: The Fart Bender: I can neither confirm, nor deny, nor anti-confirm, which is clearly a real word, and a valid option. However, I can assure you that I am 80% positive that 20% is not correct, and that I am 20% positive that I 100% do not know the answer.

We're gunna need to back up that "20% of the universe" statementzations... :)

@Flathead Smith: The largest problems with massive fire-protection retardants in the past have been the use of Boron-based chemicals. For some time now, Boron-based chemical suppression has strictly prohibited by Code. Other gaseous systems and dry chemical systems (only useful in small, enclosed spaces like

@Bertone77: Nice. So now I know that it costs exactly $349.84 (Excl VAT) to get me to want to punch myself in the face.

@blash: Regarding #4, I thought he took care of that. I believe he recommended that you beat the shit out of the screaming kids. That takes care of it. No more distractions. Done. Fin.

Not true. I have one bazillion friends. All of them are my best friend. All one bazillion.