a good update if you haven’t already seen:
a good update if you haven’t already seen:
Fucking bullshit. Of all the owners in all the world...
Awww, is a wittle Boston fan angwy? Your comment policing is adorable.
I made it to the 13th and was dying.
As a Rockies fan I am admittedly biased, but feel as though it’s a near-universal sentiment.
I tried to stay up but had to work this morning, that shit was taking forever!
It’s just like real life. Uncle Tony wants the car at 2 am and some cash, and you give it to him once. Then you do it again. Then you’re bailing him out of jail. Then he calls you from a pay phone in philly looking for a steakhouse and a gun. You think to yourself that sounds like fun but I want my money. You give it…
This list is invalidated by the absence of the Happy Happy Joy Joy song.
Fwiw, living in Tokyo, the coverage of Osaka has been nonstop, positive, and glowing. People are going legitimately bonkers for her over here.
You're an idiot.
God, that was some bullshit. Everybody lost: Serena, the public, and especially Naomi, who turned in a world-class performance but now will always have an asterisk accompany any mention of this victory. It was an all-around bummer. What a weird moment to enforce the coaching restriction, topped by that overkill game…
Exactly this. I’m taller and more well nourished that the guy asking and I drove a Dodge Omni back in high school. Some guys said it looked like a clown car when I got out of. If I have my way, I will add an arguably smaller hatch to my driveway soon.
I think applause would just break out immediately regardless of where this happened.
It’s more than most Republicans did. He wasn’t a pure man. People are complicated, and his legacy is hard to embrace. But it was something. It did help thousands of people. He didn’t have to do it. And it shouldn’t be disregarded.
If you read the first part of my comment, you’ll see that I wasn’t talking about his politics. I didn’t agree with much of his policy positions.
The only real piece of shit here is you. The man did more for this country than your stupid ass sitting on the couch.
I know it’s not a popular take around these parts, but I’m going to mourn John McCain.
Can we agree now that the fallout from this has gotten ridiculous?
Halo would not have helped-the roll hoop is one of strongest, most reinforced parts of the car. If it broke (which it clearly did), Halo wouldn't have done anything.