
The man was an absolute legend. Anything that could be done in motorsports he did. I don’t have many heros but Dan was one.

I’ve decided watching Bortles is the best because there is an element of comedy and danger to every play. Makes it exciting.

i don’t know why people who get so pissy about spoilers even look at anything these days. Trailers spoil, news spoil, any form of human interaction and discussion spoils.

The Bosch ICON’s are a bourgeoisie luxury wiper hellbent on putting down the proletariat Autozone store brand wipers.

The reason for Skipper’s resignation won’t change what he had done for Le Batard’s career.

You really need to get out more. I lived in Bozeman, Mt, there is an area called the crazy mountains that is around 40 miles in diameter and absolutely impenetrable except on foot/horse/mule or helicopter.

Psyched for Carlos Beltran. Glad he got his ring.

Congrats from a White Sox fan!

Came here to say this:

fair dinkum diddly doo then :)

Drew, thank you so much for the honesty in this column. Being upfront and honest about the shitty things we’ve done is important. I have a lot of things to atone for, too, and this is inspiration to keep working on being better.

I call shenanigans on the cold transmission grind. I drive a 5 year old, front wheel drive, manual transmission German car that doesn’t do that. Granted, it doesn’t get THAT cold in Houston, but come on. This sounds like BS to me.

He’s not wrong, IndyCar is scary and dangerous on the ovals. Tiny mistakes could mean disaster, and there is zero time at 240mph for second guessing. To win, you gotta be all in at all times... and thats part of the reasons its compelling

The defense in the NFL is always rewarded for destroying the offense’s players.

shit, when did football get taken off the list of sports? did it take chess, bowling, and poker with it?


As long as you rev match, the additional wear and tear on the drivetrain is non-existent. Won’t affect the gears either way, but if you don’t rev match when you downshift it will wear on your clutch a bit more than is desirable.

You’re not being paranoid about the gears, only the clutch wear if you don’t rev-match well. But you could always compromise and leave it in whatever gear it’s in, while still using the brakes to stop? Then you’re still getting a little bit of engine braking (and no fuel consumption), but not risking a missed shift.

My input; you’re actually demonstrating genuine logic here (unlike the poster you’re replying to).
Pads and braking components are cheaper than powertrain components so why save your brakes at the expense of the powertrain (unless brake fade or pad replacement is a genuine issue for you; think heavy haulage, track