
Duterte commented on a Gizmodo article calling for Julian Assange’s murder? Jesus, how does he find the time with all the murdering he has to do?

It’s nice knowing we are all headed in the right direction. It’s like a warm blanket. Soft, soothing and comforting.

It’s a problem that traces its roots to the American educational system and thus requires a long-term solution involving a radical overhaul of how Americans are taught to think.

What can be done to combat this kind of thinking? I have immediate family members that just flatly refuse to grapple with facts-- when they’re confronted with them, they just say, “I don’t believe that”. It feels like democracy hangs on us figuring out a way to bring these people back into the realm of reality, but I

Stop trying to make “alt-left” happen, it’s never going to happen

If Trump was born to humble beginnings, he would have disappeared along with the other squeegee men when Giuliani cracked down on them.

Waiting to see Lewandowski condemn Wikileaks for releasing illegally obtained emails...

A question for the group: is Lewandowski the purest example of failing upwards that currently exists?

I’m with Leah. I see no reason to participate in licking an ass, nor to have my own ass licked.

Just a question of who asked who. My suspicion was that it was a request to be licked, not to lick.

Yes. His apologists of course will never admit that. He’s merely a pawn that is being used to cause chaos in countries that Putin views as a threat. And that is what history will remember him as: a tool.

I mean, I’m no 50 fan but I’m not sure how else that should be phrased.

Will any of this ever be bleakly funny again, or can I expect these rage paroxysms to continue forever?

So can we all just admit at this point that Assange is just Putin’s tool to wreck democracy?

“I know more about ass eating than the generals, believe me!”

I watched some of Trump’s address to a crowd in Ohio last night, and the best way to describe it is a cult. I watched ~7 minutes and among the highlights:

Totally read that as “lively-ass eating debate” and thought I was going to read about ketchup on hot dogs or thick vs thin pizza.

Maybe it’s because I’m getting older (though, not quite 37, so not THAT old), but I just don’t see the appeal of having your ass eaten/licked/whatever. You’re cool with going down on me? Word. You’re cool with me going down on you? Palabra. You want to lick my ass?Nah, I’m good.   

I’m sure the Donald insists on a bit of tongue.

“I said...oh no, ’cause I let her lick my ass, she thinks I’m gay,”