
Because show business is an industry where people can conceivably keep working well into old age, I think we get used to the idea that people in the industry will keep going until they just literally can’t anymore. But you’d never say to an accountant, “Gee, you’re only 66. What happened to make you decide you wanted

Credit where credit’s due: the tone of this article is much more self-aware than I ever would’ve expected. Like, “you’re probably expecting us to go off on a pearl-clutching rant about ‘edgy comedy’ right now, but ya know what... fuck it!” It’s as if they’ve finally realized that doing that sort of thing is just a

These gay cowboys, are any of them eating pudding?

Are we talking funny peculiar or funny ha-ha?

You don’t need to tiptoe around the fact that on this point (and setting the Spacey topic aside entirely), she’s right. The expansion of the definition of sexual assault has only served to render the phrase less valuable and impactful. Some of the statistics we read include experiences like being made to feel

Look, if you tell people that a woman has a “magna cum laude pussy” is seems only fair that they get to look, if only to try to understand what the hell that means.

They shouldn’t. But they did, and do. All one can do is not subsidize it or give it eyeballs.

Show me on the doll where the women won’t touch you.

They also seem to think that fame and fortune works like a ratchet and once you reach a certain level, slipping back is an unfair punishment.

They already made an homage to space age screwball romantic comedies. It’s called Down with Love and it’s excellent—go watch that instead.

And sure, “There’s a difference between a slap on the ass and rape,” but an unwanted assault is an assault. Groping someone’s genitals is a form of forcing someone “into a sexual encounter.”

Eh, whatever. For all that the right wants to whine and wail and rend garments over “wokism” or “cancel culture,” it makes no fucking sense for the left to respond by doing the same dumb shit when a wannabe “edgy” comedian does a stand-up special with jokes of a “wimmin’ be SHOPPIN’” vintage.

haven’t seen the movie yet, but it looks so expensive it’s almost a turn off. i’m not how to full put this in words, but when the basic romcom budget gets to 100 million dollars it almost hits an uncanny valley or something. 

Her point is hardly legible.”

Yeah she chose this out of many options and was like “this, this is the one.” And that is confusing to me. She’s wanting to make some sort of statement for sure, and I honestly I’m not even hating on the fact that it’s transparent because thin celebrities do the transparent thing all the time. But this particular

Hey, *you’re* the one that took the name of that dress pattern for your avatar name, pal...

Lena Dunham has talent as a writer, but some sort of negative talent when it comes to clothing. There are people who look bad in their clothing because they clearly don’t care enough to put more thought into what they wear than just grabbing some stuff that vaguely fits and then going with it. But Dunham very clearly

I had not noticed that it was semi-transparent until I went back up to look in response to your comment.  So, I think you owe me an apology.

This is the core of it: But can I tell you how many men have grabbed my genitals in my lifetime? A lot more than Kevin Spacey has grabbed men’s genitals. And none of them has ever apologized to me.”

I’m not very familiar with Polly Pocket or any potential movies about it, but I do have to say that of all the dresses available in the world that is of them.  :/