And add the teacher, journalist and doctor to the list while you’re at it.
And add the teacher, journalist and doctor to the list while you’re at it.
Why? You’re roleplaying as a highschool student, and Futaba is a highschool student (or would be, if she went to school), same as most other romance options.
It is:
They had no product designed for manufacturing when they did the Kickstart, that’s what this is, it’s a cheap Chinese knockoff they paid dimes in the dollar for and ripped people off
The commenter shared a valid point of view. Calling those you disagree with stupid is immature.
Regardless of stupid or not, you should be above making comments like this on your own article. It adds nothing and only makes you seem less respectable imo.
I don’t agree completely with that person, but 20,000 professional jobs is a valid counter-argument. Write off the people who don’t agree with you at your own risk, show some respect.
Excellent counter-point! Your ridiculous take is ridiculous, you’re called out on it, and you immediately go ad hominem. Typical.
Very solid rebuttal. Wouldn’t expect any more from a triggered leftist.
Watch the video. It’s literally impossible for him to have achieved almost every score he claims.
lol wut?
Ah, but will I require a mortgage to purchase all of its DLC?
It’s neither LEGO nor Amazon.
Yes. Please understand how resalers work people. A good rule of thumb (though not full proof) is to click prime next day shipping and that should eliminate most resalers from your search results. -amazon employee. (Um guess im required to say my views and opinions are not a reflection of amazon. I work in a warehouse.…
It’s the medum, deal with it. At a larger scale you can get the shape more accurate, but at Speed Champion size you’re pretty limited. Plus Lego has standards for playability and durability, it is a toy after all.
The only other official retailer besides Lego for speed champions in the US is toysrus.
I think that is resellers marking up a retired set. Amazon isn’t actually doing the marking up.
To be frank, if you find these sets single-purpose you have no creativity. Ninjago City is a triumph of creative parts usage and they had an ice cream truck, for example, with a giant cone sign made from a drill bit, a dome, and two R2D2 legs. The Creator 3-1 sets are a great way to teach kids how to make different…
You need to take a closer look.
Nothing has changed, gawkervese opinion and politics has oozed in through every possible crack into jalopnik for many years.