Surely you jest.
Surely you jest.
said nobody.
Exactly. If he doesn’t feel the need for speed this wouldn’t have happened. This was on Paul Walker and his friend and no one deserves a penny.
You’re misplacing your blame. Those tires were fine for 45mph. They couldn’t hack it at 90mph on a road designed for 45.
You sure you’re solving the problem here? How about instead of a pole, a walking family of four?
The owner and the driver were the same person - Rodas was the driver and the owner.
“Investigators determined the cause of the fatal solo-vehicle collision was unsafe speed for the roadway conditions,” Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Commander Mike Parker said Tuesday.
And that should have been the end of it.
As sad as we all are about Paul, this was no fault of Porsche’s, no fault of the driver, and all the fault of the owner for not changing the fucking tires.
I would also like to remind everyone that NSFW stuff comprises a good chunk of Patreon’s fiances. If they bite the hands that feeds them, those folks will go elsewhere, and by default, cut drastically into Patreon’s cut.
yeah because those are TOTALLY different... like if something is buried in the desert and you find it, you didnt uncover it, you discovered it, duh
until another glitch is uncovered?
Nice pedantic reply, but that doesn’t mean much, you can equally turn it the other way. how is an engine defined? Because it’s science fiction so it’s no guarantee it means the same way we define a rocket engine now, could be more like a jet engine, those are defined independently of the exhaust i.e. they can share a…
To be fair the original TIE Advanced model from Lucasfilms has 4 ion engines:
Theres no carbon fiber weave here. Look at that pattern again.
Get a grip. Taunts in sports are as old as time.
Google added over 500,000 images to Google Maps yesterday taken by spacecraft, many of which were taken by Cassini,…
You think these films are supposed to be funny? Comic books are serious subject matter.
Don’t die first. Problem solved.
You fail to mention the defect... I have this headset and it’s the best i’ve ever owned. Highly recommended.
You fail to mention the defect... I have this headset and it’s the best i’ve ever owned. Highly recommended.