
“This is highlight reel for September 25th, 2017 and we’re here to...

Can you go back to hosting these on Youtube and not use this shitty homegrown media player which can’t stream or load video worth a damn?

I love a Touch-A-Truck as much as anyone, but this is always first thing on my mind whenever I bring my kids. Knowing how I was growing up (and still am), my kids are exactly the same in that they have to touch every single button and play with every lever.

This is hilarious to me. Guess what mr. unknown... your game mode is not unique nor the first of its kind. Get over yourself... and PS. you ain’t no Sid Meier, get your damn name off of things.

Um, the battle royale concept is from popular culture so it’s the public domain, no?

Blizzard WILL NOT pay for it EVER. Getting it into the game will be more valuable to the artist than any money. Blizzard know this. They also know that once you let one amateur in you are opening the flood gates to an inundation of other submissions form “my mom said it was good” types.

Video game companies practically never buy outside concepts, I don’t know if it’s a pride thing or what but it is nearly guaranteed not to happen.

No, the Yankees are not at fault.

This is a bad take

1 mph is well with in the acceptable margin of error to not issue a ticket, I mean unless you have cruise control set it is sort of hard at times to maintain the same speed exactly. And 1 kph is even a smaller margin of error, that cop was just having a bad day or something.

And you clearly don’t read because it was stated that the cop made an “educated guess” on the person’s speed and the cop was going below the speed limit when he was passed.

It’s, like, 20-year-old terminology. At this point, who doesn’t know? And if you don’t know, how can you not piece it together from the context of the article?

Nah. The term has been around for nearly 3 decades. You’re on a gaming forum in 2017. Do you need them to tell you what RPG or FPS mean?

I think this might just be a you problem, even without knowing what AFK means verbatim, it is incredibly easy to figure out what it means from the article itself. It actually makes it very clear what it means.

As impressive as this is, nothing is more amazing than there being multiple threads on this gaming website complaining that you didn’t define the term “AFK.”

You’re on a gaming website in 2017 and this is the first time you’ve heard afk?

The term is as old as the internet.

I guess there’s just a vas deferens in our levels of humor.

Hey, just wanted to give some input- by trying to make these podcasts look like articles, I am less inclined to actually listen to them. Every week it’s something I’m genuinely interested in reading, but because it turns out to be some sneak ad for the podcast it just makes me frustrated. I don’t mean this as

Watch the whole video before commenting. He aimed a laser sighted gun on the chest of one officer. They then told him 6 times to drop the gun. They didn’t know the gun was fake. This was suicide by cop.