Anyone here have any input on these? How do they compare to the Vive or Rift? Are they even comparable?
Anyone here have any input on these? How do they compare to the Vive or Rift? Are they even comparable?
Anyone here have any input on these? How do they compare to the Vive or Rift? Are they even comparable?
Anyone here have any input on these? How do they compare to the Vive or Rift? Are they even comparable?
I love going “AFK” and dropping out with the true AFKers when we’re all forced out. I’ll fall without moving so I appear to be AFK as well and take note of where everyone else is falling. Then, when we all land and I’m certain the rest are all actually AFK, I run up to each of them and beat the shit out of them. Free…
Wait, so this was about the innocent semitruck driver’s blood, NOT the shithead in the Silverado? Wow. The way most articles were vaguely worded, I had been thinking it was the blood of the chase suspect that they were after. This is fucking ridiculous.
Anyone know if it would it be safe to store a battery pack like this under the seat of a car 24/7? I want a large battery pack like this to power cameras for a few days at a time when it’s not being driven daily to keep them powered off the car battery.
Anyone know if it would it be safe to store a battery pack like this under the seat of a car 24/7? I want a large…
Or, you know, those were two different captions written by two totally different people. But nah, let’s just assume every single thing is a purposeful conspiracy of racist slights, it’s much more fun to stir shit.
Nah man, this article talks about infrastructure, and roads count as infrastructure, and cars drive on roads, man! This is TOTALLY relevant to Jalopnik. It’s absolutely not yet another poorly disguised attempt to shove more irrelevant political bullshit down your throat 24/7. That’s crazy talk! Now let’s head on over…
It’s more relevant than your examples of Malaysian airlines or the customer service of United.
Sometimes shit just happens. For instance, the only car accidents I have ever been in were all very similar and all happened within a two month span of time. In two months, I had other drivers swerve into my lane with zero warning, no signals, and slam right into my front fender.
Step 1. Get a USB Flash Drive.
“Yet here we are for the SECOND time in as many months. Not a record to inspire confidence.”
Didn’t say it would explain everything but based on your inspirational quote thing there it sounded like what you were referring to.
If something like this happens again soon, the theory of Russia or China maliciously manipulating GPS in the region is going to rise very quickly to the top of the list of plausible explanations.
You are ignoring the fact that the Navy has hundreds of vessels operating globally every single day of every week of every month of every year for well over the past century.
You are correct that they are harder to spot from a distance and that both Destroyers probably should have done better to steer clear of other marine traffic, but they both definitely should have been spotted long before they were rammed.
Which is why both parties are at fault, as neither vessel appears to have been paying any attention to their radars at all leading up to the collision.
Just a series of unfortunate events, really. Freak coincidences allowed by perfect storms of the wrong people standing watches at the wrong time.
They had regular navigation lights on, same as any other navigating vessel.
You’d lose that bet. The Navy is incredibly stringent about following navigation rules and laws, *especially* in high traffic areas like that.
Unless you’re an incompetent crew, all you need to track any ship in the dark are its navigation lights. Not having deck lights on or portholes opened up isn’t an excuse for running into a ship.