Matt Vallee

That was a joke about how often people talk about Wither on this very site. I’ve played 2 and 3 and even Gwent. I enjoyed my time in Witcher 3 a lot! I need to go back and play the DLC at some point. 

Yeah, aside from the kikimora, striga, djinn, green and gold dragons, cursed hedgehog knight and monsters whatsoever.

I hate it. I watched for 7 hours in a row. Terrible.

I prefer “fuckers.” Seems to grab most people’s attention. 

Just hear to say that this episode alone was more satisfying than Rise of Skywalker. I liked the movie but this was everything Star Wars should be. Classic yet original. Funny yet high stakes. Fan service but new.

“Fast live, young die, and a good-looking corpse make.”

I know this is sarcasm but for those that don't know Dandelion's name in the books is Jaskier which is polish for "Dandelion"

I think about 45% of people didn’t actually vote, of the 55% that did, only about 46% picked the dictator wannabe, 48% picked the centrist, and 6% decided to protest vote because “they’re both equally bad” or some shit.

The shots make it look like time flows in reverse for them. (i.e. the car, the wake on the boat, the guard coming out of the closet thing at the end.) this would fit the blurb I saw yesterday about Nolan saying it was the most complex thing he’s ever tried to shoot.

Michael Caine is the real spinning top.

Look cool enough. I am always up for giving  Nolan the benefit of the doubt. He delivers more often than not. 

I’m just here for Nolan’s characters’ high grooming standards and expensive suits. It’s its own sub-genre.

No idea what’s going on but I am 100% down.

You just know that if a reporter shouted a question about trade relations with Wakanda at Trump during one of his very stupid driveway rambling sessions that he’d say, “We’re looking at that very closely. They’ve treated us very unfairly in the past.” He definitely doesn’t know if it’s a real place or not so he’ll

I wonder if Trump would get fooled by a scam from a Wakadan prince?

I read that whole quote. I’m pretty sure I lost 10 IQ points as a result.

“What role is Kevin James gonna play?”
“Ha ha, very funny... Trotsky.”

Adam Sandler is a character Daniel Day-Lewis has been playing for nearly 30 years.

Joke’s on them, sitting on the toilet playing anime gatcha games until both my calves fall asleep after lunch every day is already incredibly uncomfortable.

The fact that “Yikes, I’m a host” was her SECOND thought just might be the most scientist thing ever.