Matt Vallee

What else are you going to do?  Work?  

Wearing a John Rocker jersey is the same as wearing a MAGA hat.

I’d like to piggyback off your sentiment by saying:

Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter 
This one makes me extremely happy. I was thinking about buying it a week or so ago but decided to finish up more of my backlog.

Why am I continually seeing people spam that wildly incorrect report from a nobody website? Nobody has been fired, we’re all still here doin’ our thing. Like these posts, which you’re commenting under right now.

you must be in a state of denial. These fucksticks fumbled the story, pacing, characters/development, dialogue, unresolved plot lines... etc. without the books to go off of, these two are talentless hacks who managed to fail upward. Aren’t these the same two assholes that thought making a show about the south winning

I love the show’s bitterness. The heroes are nearly as misanthropic as the villains, and they appear to save the world out of a sense of professionalism more than hope or righteousness. Dracula and Alucard are romantic figures in a show that is otherwise full of cynics, fanatics, drunks, and dupes.

Credit to Warren Ellis’s writing.

Now if we could get that damned 3rd season already!

That show is so much better than it has any right to be. It took a video game that has almost no plot and gave it stakes on character, religion and world view that just don’t exist in the original castlevania universe. It’s so good, but also a perfect illustration of why it’s the video game movie exception and not the

They brought Jason in from paternity leave just so he could delay a game again? Wow.

What?  No way.  The Jets’ team doctor rubbed dirt on the shoulder several times, so he should’ve been good to go!

very cool we live with millions of fucking lunatics who think shit like this 

My favorite part about reading stories on Deadspin anymore is how the ads load and unload dynamically. I really love reading a sentence and then having it jump 4 inches down the screen, before finally finding it again, and then it jumps back up 4 inches. I understand this isn’t Deadspin’s fault per se, but I don’t

Yes, I really like some roast donkey. One of the smoked meats I sell is donkey meat.

I worked on several of these games when I worked @ THQ classic. Can confirm the only thing holding it together is bubble gum and prayers. The games source code\engine has not changed since the PS2 era. I wish I were joking.

The Redskins have a history and heritage to maintain. Racist name that was unacceptable even 50 years ago? You bet. Objectionable fans who embody the worst of us? In spades. A field that resembles the litter box of a diabetic cat? Forever and always.

It looks like they played on the Chargers’ bed.

They were also cheating because the running back is 33 years old and also Marshawn Lynch.

The board was acid 

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”