Matt Vallee

They laugh at Samus's heels, but won't be when they're getting it crammed in their eyes.

At first when I saw the claptrap poster I thought he was going to be in Super Smash Bros.

If we can play as Clap-Trap, does that mean the entire game has no stairs?

But where is the port for to be controlled by twitch?

in before gamestop/gamestore is a rip off: Trading in games is exactly like trading in a car. Immediately upon purchase, it loses a small percentage of it's value for resale. A used game will sell for $45-55, just like a $28k car will immediately go for $24k. When it's time to sell, the age/condition/value/reviews

You'll get more use out of it though.

This seems so much more complicated compared with surfing off MS Anne's pier to find the truck, pushing it aside with Strength HM and then using the pokedex to for Mewtwo's cry to get Mew.

I just beat Tomb Raider on PS4 and it was my first time playing it. Wow was I impressed. It is on of the best games I've played in 2013-2014. I stayed up way too late to finish it but it was worth it. People should play it.


Red Dead Redemption. End of discussion.

If someone made a mini-series of Edea/Ringabel banter, I would watch the shit out of it.

False Swipe, my friend.

Oh, don't worry - Update Data gets you totally random people. No friends necessary!

Mario thinks he can hide

If this Mother Brain and her enemies were in ssb.... I'd be a very happy Hucast.

I might be the only person on the internet who likes the Titanfall design.

Oh, Kireek, you slay me!

The site to buy the game is called I approve.