A good argument as well.
A good argument as well.
Was I the only person really bothered by the bubbling on that screen protector?
Zune software was actually awesome. Just crippled with a shitty app store and unfortunately like no first party or developer support. :/
Really playing up that "pleasant" aspect with the music in that clip weren't you?
I want those sunglasses now.
Hahahaha not even the title.
Um, that's about 8 million gallons of water. I'm not sure what to say.
I was thinking Heavy Rain at about this point.
Cue LulzSec announcement.
Screw that. I want smartphone flavoured Jelly Bellies!
I actually really like it because of how ugly it is. It looks like they deliberately went for a pasted-on-paper, really amateurish look and it looks cool.
Thanks for bringing up that old SR-71 post. I remember it was so awesome not because it was investigative journalism, or even gadget news, but it was just really fucking cool to read.
Holy shit, I can't believe they're actually selling some of the stuff bought from that store for hundreds of dollars a piece.
I use a Black Rapid. Does its job extremely well, but I can't help but feel that I look like a gigantic douche with it on. Especially with my super little Nex-3 (but I am using mf lenses so yeah).
Definitely hit the source. That's some strong shit.
Thanks for all your supporting Canada, Microsoft dudes. Shitty.
Aren't these just silica pellets?
Haha, I've always wanted to do that, put up street art dressed as a city worker. Clever and a little funny.