
I'm not sure what's cooler anymore, videogames that look like real life or real life that looks like videogames.

@MrPistachio: I feel so uninformed. How do you italicize text on Giz?

I thought he was going to say "it's all thanks to our friend, crack!" for some reason.

@Kaiser-Machead: In all fairness, he is modeling a pretty stylin' jacket.

I've seen the future, and it looks uncomfortable.

@Moonshadow Kati aka Lady Locksmith: Not any better experience? Being able to actually make phone calls on a phone is probably going to make for a better experience.

@KWOK: Yep. Probably just haven't had a chance at a hands-on yet though.

@mdtusz: We pay 3 times as much, and we have a third of the phone selection.

@heywhat: Fuck, I wish I could have promoted that.

@satyrica: I think you might mean "da Nile."

Sam, did you base this illustration off Joel? Hahaha.

@logruszed: I see what you did there, missing that d twice.

@\m/ chaosphere \m/: Sheeple: the worst portmanteau ever created? Or word in general?

@valdesjon: One I did a couple weeks ago.

The Shard? Huh.

AAGHG finally

Finally got into the gallery! haha.

Oh god someone covered a great song to sound like shitty contemporary christian rock.