
@GoldVrod: Isn't Defcon technically synonymous with geek?

@send91: Multitasking is nice, sure. I don't want a stylus for that Palm bullshit, I thought rather for graphics or Photoshop.

@NuevoLeon: Glue each page together except for the covers, carve hole to fit iPhone and pew!

Get some dictation app on your iPhone, and "Dear diary..." suddenly takes on a whole new meaning.

@talkingstove: My apologies. In my defense, sarcasm is difficult on the internet.

@DoubtedBeef: Nobody cares whether you're impressed or not. Considering this gives the disabled an ability taken away from you, it also makes you come off as an asshole.

My life's goal is to someday post something inexpensive and actually useful on etsy.

@diamonddnice: How long should it usually take to get up from a standstill? My 1200s seem like they are lagging a teeny tiny bit from when i first got them (used)

@mind in rewind: Ye, Kat didn't really make that obvious haha. Misleading!

Put a stylus on it and i'll consider.

@Maave: You could, but when the bass is kicking and the lights are out, it's gonna be really convenient to have nice large, lit up buttons to perform a bunch of functions you'd need to use your touchpad for.

@mind in rewind: Which is kinda worth it considering it's quite annoying to loop with a mouse, and you can do loop rolls with this instead of press on then off.

@theweakend: I thought 1 would have been HTC actually and 2 Nokia.

@Mindfield: I work at a cartridge refillling store. I like you.

Oh my god need for speed high stakes.

MadCatz in title.

@vsound: Man, history class would be way more interesting if all my teachers said "fucking incredible."

What an appropriate song for the video. That was pretty hair raising, this guy's got more balls than Captain Sully.