
@Lemonade: Oh, this is that douchebag that thinks she knows anything about DJ'ing. Ohmygawd that whole iPad DJ video pissed me off so much.

@EljhHck: I think you deserve an internets for this comment.

ps. for you canadian dealzmodo wanters (like myself)

@iRant: I didn't read the site. Good observation, but I'd be at least a little dubious about that claim.

Sure you solve the reception issue, and it looks pretty, but what about that fragile glass back everyone's talking about? If you drop it, aluminium is going to transfer the shock straight through. I really doubt that magical liner is going to do anything for shock absorption.

@Future Retro: I'm pretty sure that's an illustration. So, you know, more complex than a shop.

@Kat Hannaford: Haha, I should say 2006. I'm still on my 6265i (which has crashed multiple times and bricked a couple)

@kylecpcs: Yeah, phones usually make calls. I chuckled a little.

I don't remember the last time I actually wanted to replace my crappy 2005 Nokia... with another Nokia. This is really nice! Except the OS will be the dealbreaker.

This running the actual Ubuntu UI is the antithesis of an iPad haha. (Relatively) tiny screen with overcomplicated OS, compared to (relatively) huge screen with oversimplified OS.

@kylecpcs: I agree wholly (yes, i did take the time to read through) except on one point, your justification of Breach of Express Warranty. It might be the way you put it, but the phone is free of defect concerning materials and workmanship - it's really just the design that is messed up.

sweet sweet irony.

Damnit I already have enough trouble explaining HDMI to all my friends. They could've at least given it a sexier name or something.

@nouanda: i told you i knew nothing about coffee. if there's a scale from 1 to 10, i'm probably a -2.

@Zkdog: Genius. I DEMAND Ninetiesmodo week!

@Gann: I feel like we've been making light of it for too long. We need to get down to earth about it.

@nouanda: I guess I'll have to plan a day downtown then, haha. Sounds good. I have no idea what I'm ordering, just an espresso?