Vagenda of Rebel Scum

I thought stoning Aunt Lydia might be a little to Hollywood. I've been debating in my own mind if the quiet defiance of June and the other Handmaids was realistic. It was possible to see how June got to the breaking point.

There are some real possibilities for conflict in Season 2. If we assume that the Eyes who take June are secret good guys and she escapes to somewhere, it sets up a possible conflict between Team Luke/Moira and Team Nick. Assuming Moira and Luke will try to rescue June.
We still don't really know about Nick; his role

Also, "We're going to buy you so that we can steal your uterus to have babies" is still rape and slavery. If you can assure the slaves they'll be treated better, you might get slightly more cooperation.
Which brings up yet another issue- why not pay surrogates? "If you can escape to sunny Mexico, we'll offer you asylum

It absolutely is. You're only selling something slightly less oppressive.
Like many oppressive states, Gilead shoots itself in the foot with its own toxic ideology

The elite will probably arrange marriages for their children, just as they used to do (and still do in many parts of the world). The book referred to "econowives" who were supposed to be of the lower and middle classes, and were required to be wives, Handmaids, and marthas all at once. They wore clothing with red,

Why not ship crazy, troublesome Handmaids off to Mexico? Clearly the Janine's, Moira's, and Emily's have value. If you had a difficult broodmare that was a proven producer, would you kill it, or maim it, or would you sell it to another farm if you had the opportunity? Maybe Gilead society is so into punishment and

It wasn't just right wing evangelical, it seems like there was some MRA thrown in there, too. Not the pickup artist stuff, but the comments about reproduction.

I think its clever though. If we do nothing, at some point, the effects of pollution and climate change will take away choices we might have had, and will call for desperate measures.

If that were the case, it would have to be an incredibly difficult and painful job. He has the kind of affect to do it well.

I've found the most emotionally wrenching scenes in the series to be those where people try to show each other genuine kindness- for example last weeks episode where OfGlens new wife tries to be decent, or even Aunt Lydias attempts to console Jeanine. Somehow, the small attempts at decency in a world overflowing with

That's why I was wondering if at some time in the past, they'd had a more equal relationship.

I am interested in Serena Joy's backstory. It seems like it will be different from the book. The scene between her and Fred where they discuss his work was instructive. Were they a coservative "power couple" at one time? Is she a Kellyanne Conway type, or maybe an ex Fox News pundit? Muzzled, shorn of her designer

The only thing missing was the Hound helmet. That would have been really interesting. Didn't it end up with the Brotherhood?

Does Brienne convince Jaime to allow the Blackfish and his people to evacuate the castle and go north to fight with Sansa? If that's true, can Brienne convince the Blackfish to do that? It might allow Jaime to feel that he's fulfilled his oath to Katelyn Stark.
There's the matter of the Red Wedding, but groups have

In the books, I imagined her encountering the UnKat, and realizing that being motivated by nothing but hate and desire for revenge would turn you into a bitter, rage filled zombie.

Wasn't it more like "Make Westeros Great Again?"

I agree, evil is a slippery slope, one you can slide down gradually. Mike slides into evil with the best of intentions, providing for his dead sons wife and child. Now he's motivated by revenge, and the desire to take out another bad guy. Another character with a moral code, but no ethics.

Yes. Unlike the Waltons or The Hallmark Channel, these situations don't always bring out the best in people. In fact, the exact opposite. My sister was an ICU nurse, she honest to God heard stuff like "Mom always gave you a bigger chocolate bunny at Easter".

Seems like you are leaving out a few details, like Jimmys devotion to Chuck when he is Ill? Even Howard said to Jimmy "You do all this? Every day?" And there was no profit in it for Jimmy. Even his ultimate betrayal is done out of a sense of loyalty to Kim, and indignation at her mistreatment. I think you were

The series takes place in New Mexico. Not sure if their laws are similar to Arizona.