
You’re trying too hard to make your dumb comment a thing. It’s not. 

You fucking dorks literally wrote an article making fun of her, soooooo...

No matter what level of fuckery Woody Allen was involved in, he’s still the goddamn worst. 

None of this happened. You read a thing and maybe looked it up and quietly typed words. Stop trying so hard. You aren’t good at whatever it is you’re trying to do. 

You sound like a Scientologist.

Yes, I’m sure you know better than the people whose job it was to ask these questions and come to these conclusions professionally.

Woody Allen is a gross dickbag, but you’re a reaching shitheel. 

“The girl with the black hair.”

Come the fuck on. 

Tell me where he’s wrong. 

Adults being able to spell and use their big boy/girl words is super necessary. 

I mean, a wealthy, mid-twenties Jesus bro isn’t much better. It’s just a different flavor of shitheel. 

Fuck that. Their team forfeits the game. 

Dude, you fucking morons deregulated the energy industry, don’t believe the many thousands of scientists who are in full consensus that climate change is real (or you do, but don’t care, which is almost worse), have started a fucking trade war that’s going to create a worldwide recession, and are obsessed with kids

Nobody is silencing you loud-ass dipshits. Jesus Christ. 

God has a plan, and loves me so much he was cool with my family being brutally murdered. Can’t wait to hang out with him someday!

Cowards love guns. 

Jesus fuck, you’re a terrible writer. 

Fandom is toxic. Fans are garbage. Fuck them all forever.

It’s so weird that that dude has endless resources and he insists on going the worst kind of grandpa bald in his late thirties. 

Jesus, how do you functionally walk without a kneecap? 

Fuck every influencer ever.