
Spoken like a true white fuckstick. 

You don’t work there. Keep writing me mini-novels. You are hilarious and extremely mad. 

I deeply enjoy how furious you are.

You don’t work for them. You are hilariously stupid.  

Keep flailing at me.

Yeah, you’re definitely dumb .

I mean, if you knew the difference between than and then, you might be more successful. 

Don’t ruin good jokes. 

I can do this until heat death destroys the universe. 

Cool story, dipshit. 

You’re really bad at this. Keep going. 

Oh look, someone confusing their opinion for something more than exactly that. 

I keep waiting for this to be funny. Gonna go do laundry. 

I had Assville, so I was way off. 

One-hundred percent you. 

Fuck you. 

Prayers mean literally nothing. 

Christians are fucking crazy. 

Fuck off with your internet sleuthing. 

Eh. They probably didn’t read the fucking article. I support me. What now, fuckface? 

You don’t work for them. They don’t read these comments. Congrats on linking to their very public, easy to find contact page, however. That proves the thing!

You’re hilariously stupid and I love that you think this was going to work. LOVE. IT. SO. MUCH. 

I never said they didn’t read the article. I said they don’t give a shit about the comment section of said article. Feel free to quote me otherwise, however.