
I like how you barely said anything here. 

It’s a song. Sorry they didn’t break down the complexities of litigation for you. 

It’s everyone saying the same thing because it’s easy to say the same thing. 

You don’t remember that. You just said a thing and someone corrected you. Just take the L. 

Ooooh, edgelord gonna edgelord. 

I’m sorry, whose coattails? I’d love to know who one of the most powerful, long-tenured producers is starfucking. Or, is it more likely you have zero reference point for the guy, but you wanted to write a thing. 

Shut up.

Oh, the Old Man schtick. You guys are the antithesis of editorial range. 

It’s not the mega-rich who suffer from pirating. 

Alternatively, people will just continue stealing streaming content because paying for five services is dumb, and they don’t care about the money they’re taking out of creator’s pockets. 

Okay, Bear Grylls. 

You were a cunt about a racer having a valid complaint, is the short version. Hope that helps!


I feel bad for literally nobody in this article. I hope they all get hit by clown cars. 

You lost. You’re not going to un-dumb your dumbassery. 

Reading comprehension is difficult for you, yeah? 

You’re an idiot. 

You’re a fucking dork. 


Oh man, you know he goes way the fuck further than fruit.