
That was the film’s subtitle from the beginning. It’s in the second trailer (the first didn’t use the film’s title at all) and it’s used in the film itself on the title card before the end credits. The only thing that happened after release was that when the home video came out the studio confirmed it was the subtitle

The idea of Banksy signing his name to Gavin’s fake signature and thus inspiring yet another Gavin meltdown is pretty great. “Gavin B” is fun too (in the vein of Classi from South Park)

Yeah. You’d think they might do an episode in which they trick the guy squatting in Jared’s condo into leaving, then they get back in and start living there

Apparently they’re moving too fast to open a breach, except for whatever breaches the speedsters can open to travel to different dimensions and the speed force. I guess the speedsters can’t open a breach to the world they wanted Vibe to send the bomb to and push it there like they would have pushed it into the speed

What’s amusing about Wally being missing here is how in his first mission with the Legends to help make Elvis famous he basically solves every problem they have with super speed, and they literally have to make a speech to him that he can’t solve every problem with super speed (at which point their alternative fails,

Regarding Coulson’s impending death (again), I wonder if the story point might be influenced by the notion that the Avengers still think Coulson’s dead, and how the movies don’t seem to be influenced by the shows (which this episode, in its way, references). What I mean is, with all the speculation that Avengers 4

Anyone else read the line about “every time the dream is too random or doesn’t reconcile with a memory your mind creates a scenario to make it work” being a meta-commentary about how the show having to conform to the MCU? (Or having to change for the MCU’s storylines ignoring the TV show).

This episode really stretches the credibility of the whole secret identity trope in having Barry and Ralph visit Izzy as civilians claiming she’s in danger, and then showing up the next day in their costumes to say the same thing. And she doesn’t put it together until Barry takes his mask off? Come on. Two tall thin

It was smart to have Ray make the Star Trek TNG reference, which he would, but he was also about to point out that “Cause and Effect” aired nearly a year before “Groundhog Day,” since Nate was so insistent on using it as the reference. But then backed off because who cares at that point.

Neat detail: in the zoom-in on Earth, we see the spacedock from the TOS-era films being constructed in orbit. And pretty much the same design, not a wild reboot design change.

“I wondered briefly if the whole ‘we can make Klingons look like humans’ would turn into a way to justify why Klingons on the original series are so physically different from ‘modern’ Klingons, but maybe they’re saving that for next year.”

I forget. Since the Jitters scene was set in 2017, was there a moment in Flash earlier this season where Jitters was mysteriously trashed and the STAR Labs team was scratching their heads over it?

I too assumed she was the one behind it. Still could be, I suppose.

Good thing Barry got out of jail just in time for his speed-force lightning and six notes of his theme music to make a cameo

The ending of the “prison break” was extremely confusing. We’re left with the assumption DeVoe killed the metas and stole their powers, but what’s confusing is why. Why keep her body when he had already taken over the young stud his wife seemed extremely satisfied by? Is the Arrowverse intent on creating as many

I can kind of buy the idea of Ralph re-shaping his rubber skin to look like someone else.

Seeing Mandy Moore walking around in a Terry Bradshaw #12 jersey, which also is Tom Brady’s number, just had to eat away at any Patriots fan who stuck around for this, for the subtle reminder that the Steelers are still the only franchise with 6 Super Bowl trophies. So, bonus points for that!

Just when you think Barry Allen has got to be the dumbest superhero in the Arrowverse, he goes and does something that totally justifies and reinforces that notion.

Also a huge coincidence that this episode lands the same day the trailer for the Ant-Man sequel hits? Shrinking buildings in both. It was rather surreal.

Given that actual shrinking tech exists in the Arrowverse, they had to do something to establish why the tech wouldn’t work to embiggen them again. But not testing it on something, yeah, that’s a bit much to accept.