
kinda ironic that they want gamers, when most of the big AAA publishers only want games as a service and you have no internet when you are a soldier somewhere in the desert or on the sea in third world countries, maybe the army should first build this infastructure and then try to enlist gamers

well its certainly not for people which enjoy the sims and stardew valley

only real life humans” hopefully that will stay truth would be a shame having to go somewhere else to get my nsfw overwatch/witcher animations

okay some people are this deluded that I dont always sense sarcasm if it isnt too obvious

You sound just like Dutch. Just have some faith just another job and we are on our way to Tahiti.

there are no female gamers on the internet thats all lies, all those videos showing girls play are mostly just fake, girls only play candycrush etc on phones

best stuff from overwatch are the nsfw animations anyway

AC has become so stale and boring it could play on the mars in the year 3000 and I still wouldnt play it because the sitequests and the whole leveled world design make the game world not really engaging for me

just use Bowsette instead and she abducts the poor Toad problem solved then sjws can shut up, oh wait no then Bowsette would be to over sexualized we cant have that either dang

and the actual killer the policeman goes free ofc what a world we live in.

or just wait 2 years then the next gen will probably be out

no new rpg on the horizon so nothing for me

first world problems

well guess with how incompetent bethesda is they wont be able to check a players files if they are modded or not, this will open the way to cheats and best of all free mods that nobody wastes money in their shitty ingame shop. I also wouldnt be surprised if those mod servers now see the light of day it would be bad

well too bad the music isnt my taste even tho sexy furrys are my thing

the guy in the redshirt is a hero I would bow down to him for the balls speaking out loud what most of the audience thought

my problem is with that running in the camp is disabled and those honor ups are pretty fast negated if you accidently loot a person which wasnt a bandit... I find it really hard to get max honor

Guess the expansions arent included and all the daily/weekly quests will take place in those new expansion strikes/areas?

I said power armor type like the enclave PA they already sell on the creation club for Fallout4. Who can be sure that something like that wont end up there? If its just cosmetic it seems many people wont care much even if its not a f2p game. ^^

alone from the pricing on the creation club in fallout4 I can already see them charging for a different powerarmor type 10-20$ and 5$ extra for the paintjob...