So this isnt a LeMans GT class race car like the F1 GTR was, this is a rich mans track toy. And way over priced for a track toy. You could buy a used LMP car, that weighs a lot less for a lot less coin. Hell you could probably buy a used F1 car for less money. And go a crap load faster.
Good business plan. No different then Ferrari Enzo/FXX nonsense.
I can't wait for the first shit show of rich guys running $4m cars into each other. It's gonna be great.
Well, they sure both come with their own less than desirable owner stereotypes.
I'm pretty sure autocross is about way more than the driving, so the 5-8 minutes is simply a part of the experience.
Opulence man. The plebs just don't get it.
When it went mostly NASCAR, most of the time, is when I stopped watching as much.
The ol' moby dick bait n cuff'..oldest trick in the book