
This pic looks like a duckling fluffing itself up to look more intimidating 

That is obviously a typo and meant to be hours.  A 19 mile house would be impractical and irrelevant to the article.

I can’t place why...but I can conjure no feelings at all for this car. Not good, not bad just; Hey...there’s that thing.

*Drove an R8

You know it wasn’t a Mustang because it turned away from the pedestrians.

Rezvani Beast

Excuse me, the show is called Blue Jays Central.

i wonder if it’ll cry and go into hiding if it loses.

The engineers are German. For them there’s no such thing as overthinking.

I will never understand how in the age of the internet when you can price check incredibly quickly and easily these kind of sales gimmicks work. It doesn’t make sense in my brain that people can be this stupid, yet here we are.

Thanks commenter, now instead of a thank you for taking a criminal off the street i can get insulted for trying to make your neighborhood safe to sleep at night. Heres your response, hope you choke on it.

HAH! I witnessed something like this in Los Angeles. Sometimes it rains here and this city absolutely cannot handle rain. LA’s city planners saw no need to create storm drains and just made the curbs high enough to funnel the now rivers to the sea... quality =\

I drove up to something like this and thought... you know

The Viper was always supposed to be a vulgar car. I expect class from my Astons (I have no Astons :( )

illegal hands to face = blown call. good catch not noticed on replay = blown call. way to go NFL

Excellent camera work in that twitter post.

Sure thing. Now how about a moment to recognize the irony of so viciously supporting your right to make decisions in your car that you tell people what they should and shouldn’t like?

You had me at “dirty sandbox”.