
America.... Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.... so long as you have an in with the corrupt law enforcement. Otherwise, welcome to Soviet America, where car drive you!

First MH370, now this. The Island wants someone to come back.

I thought it was much better. The race was ho-hum, and the Star/Rally Car segments don’t interest me in the least, but the Harris and Reid segments felt right. Harris was giving us information about the car, but also having fun with it. I’m totally okay with LeBlanc to. He is feeling less scripted each week. Sabine is

Didn’t the SR-71 have a starting cart instead of internal starters?

Clarkson may have been an asshole in real life, but at least he didn’t play one on TV.

I would feel bad for him if he didn’t come off as such an ego maniac. Even his jabs at old Top Gear weren’t fun like they could have been. And I felt like he was pandering to the audience throughout. He’s just not likeable. Clarkson was smug, but in that likeable way. Evans is smug in that I want to punch you way.

I found Evans unwatchable, especially in the studio. It was way to obvious he was trying to get a reaction from the crowd. And his jabs at Clarkson would have been better if they hadn’t been subtle. Just come out and say it. I’ll give it a few more episodes, but I don’t have high hopes.

My god. A media outlet that is reporting facts, followed by opinions, as opposed to speculation and sensationalism. I tip my hat to you sir.

Just have it at Watkins Glen or another road course. No need for any plot twists.

2002 Mazda Protege 5. Brilliant car, incredibly forgiving.

I was coming here to post exactly this.

Suspicious he only posted the video from after he was being chased. Nothing from before.

Every SR-71 article that gets posted here gives me goosebumps. Not only are they all incredibly well written, they are so damn interesting as well. Thanks Tyler, and thanks Mr. Thomas for sharing!

A motorcycle is the answer to all your problems.

Was this the same thing spotted flying over Texas and Kansas a while back?

Poor io9. I don’t know what I’d do without them. Except Rob Bricken. He can go away.

Those are the best kind of friends. The ones that prey on your weaknesses.

Hendrick also bought Optimus Prime.

Hood Jeans are a much better price point.

Not to mention the intimidation factor. It would drill fear into any enemy combatants that were within 150 miles of shore, knowing that this thing was prowling just over the horizon, ready to rain down hell.