
I wonder, can one breath while flapping like a flag on that fence?

Sure, cause they can't hear their heart beating

And the first scene they showed an electric train with people, where this contraption won't work at all...


As nice this picture is, I can't pass by, by not saying it's a fake.

The words are too uniformed, they should've make last few letters of a word go down along the edge of the disk, aka ran out of room.

Or maybe you just missing my point. Forget it.

Is it just me, or it does look like the cargo just falls off the plane due to it's rapid, sudden climb?

You see, you have changed something, you've changed the chase, better cooling. I haven't changed my chase since day one. I'm not saying that's it's good, I'm saying that in my case the environment haven't changed, yet the rate at witch drives were failing increased, but in the opposite direction of the age of the

Do I? You betcha! I have a 10 years old 300gb IDE hard drive that is in my storage computer that have/had zero problems.

Somehow I was expecting her spring back up with no wheelchair...

Haven't you noticed the sequence read speed of larger hard drives (even on slower, "green" editions) is bigger then on smaller drives? it's because per spin they can read more data I guess...

Yet, every newer version of hard drive become less and less reliable...that makes perfect sense..

The pizza delivery guys will hate it if they had to wait until buyer finishes the pizza..

I did enjoy it, the video that is, more then the move.

Oh, and DOH :D

So, what they are saying most users don't use much of the data, then what the hell do they bitch about high-usage users? who do they affect if nobody using it anyway?

So, boosters detached at speed 2000+ mph, then they start falling, but the speed stays at 2k+. How is this possible? I mean, shouldn't it get to 0 then accelerate at the descend? Unless I missed it, but it never went below 2k until it started burning caused by friction, which brings another question: if at 2k mph

Then explain the purpose of headlines?