

Going all-electric isn’t going to save Caddy any more than any of their other “going after ____” campaigns have worked.

Cadillac, listen to me: You gotta be cool. That means innovating, doing things that are memorable. Make an impression on people. Raise the bar so that Cadillac can become synonymous with QUALITY

Yes, $20k is a bit ridiculous, but there are people who would buy a new Honda Element if they could. As the owner of a 2005 EX AWD manual example, I can understand why. Practical, useful, reliable.

All I see is...

So Toyota builds a modern Honda Element. I like this idea better than the similarly sized C-HR they sell now. If they bring the TJ Cruiser in at $20k it would be a nice city car, easy to park and able to survive potholes.

Oh, they be cops. They have no problem breaking the chain, or breaking down the door. Claim they heard a girl. Or smelled some of the wacky weed. Thought the kid was choking...

Who’s to say they didn’t purposely blow it up to prevent it from succeeding? Martyr’s for a brighter future!

The Sebring convertible was incredibly popular, and the original design (as pictured) was tasteful. It also had a large trunk and was comfortable for 4 people. I rented one once in Hawaii, and it was perfectly pleasant. It got gradually uglier (in my opinion—-I think this had to do with the “corporate style” edict

The fact that even FCA did not do this as a money grab should tell you something.

In the car, on the way home from the airport, I order pizza or Chinese takeout to be delivered to my house between 15 minutes and half an hour after I get home. It bypasses any flight delays and is a wonderful time saver.

I say this with all due respect (and I find you amazing David), but you never include “current owner” when listing what’s wrong with your newest Jeep Heap.

I wish I would have kept a journal sometimes when I think of what we went through but I purposely didn't. It was mentally exhausting and in the end issues arose with his home hospice pain management that I am still not able to process properly. I do have a lot of pictures I took along the way that I still am

My sincere condolences. I lost my husband to cancer too. It took me 3 years and remarriage to get over it. (People need to rethink the condemnation of widow(er)s getting remarried: I would not be alive today if I hadn’t.) I’m glad you’ve left behind some of the sorrow and anger and can think, “That man was so great.”

And look at that smile!

Holy hell I am immediately changing my life plans to dumping as much funding as I possibly can at the feet of whatever mad scientist can bring MICROHEDGEHOGS back from extinction because that may be all I could ever want out of this foul life

I was a pretty early adopter of this. I am happy with it, but with a few caveats...

I was a pretty early adopter of this. I am happy with it, but with a few caveats...

Are lines at the bathroom still a thing? I remember that being a big deal back when I was a kid and the bathrooms only had like 8 stalls, but the theater where I am now (a small, rural town) has a bathroom that easily has 50 stalls and I’ve never had to wait except once when 4 shows all let out at once. Never had an

Me? Well, I had the TV setup, and a friend supplied the Super Bomberman on SNES with super multitap for 5 player Bomberman action. Embrace the nerd. FUN TIMES!

Some Jalops you are - no one mentioned the mistake in the write-up? Torinos were unibody until the '72 restyle.