
You know a lot of “outlaws” like/live in Florida

I forget if it was the Grammys but Frank did an absolutely horrendous job of performing about 6 years ago live on some show.

The reality is some people can’t have nice things. Freaknik followed the same life cycle of an Atlanta Club, the people that made it fun and popular were eventually pushed out by the people who ended up destroying it.

I distinctly remember Freaknik stopping ambulances from getting to calls.

Thanks but no it’s a Volkswagen so it’s really “Electrical problem season” for whomever buys this

Just a few of the descriptors about Clark from WashPost on March 23rd.

Accuser seems to be recanting at length.


yeaaaah NO

If only Clarkson could exist soley on that show because I actually liked a lot of his car opinions.

Let em...I mean fuck em

Came here just to highlight that quote.

74 million supporters huh?

I bet he’s conservative as hell and has porn that degrades women on his cell phone

You need to delete this post and your account 

This was definitely a “story” designed to make you think these people matter.

This post was ill informed gibberish

Not only this but she was literally just on NPR’s “Wait wait don’t tell me” and she was hilarious. She talked about a myriad of things and was candid about life as a Nobel winner. These twitter folks are asshole and I know that’s redundant.


It would be nice if it turned out that the commenters here are incel white boys who somehow found this blog.”