
But thats what I am getting at...if they were to "eradicate them as needed" don't you think they would be doing a more complete take on it...especially if they have the "lush and productive" half of the land...which they adapted and developed technology to create...Remember jerusalem was split down the middle at one

Oh that's what you meant by WW2.

"I wasn't aware that Israel (which didn't exist yet) had won WW2, or that Palestine had lost WW2 to them."

This is why we can't have nice things.

Britain had it's share of colonies that was released but they still hold quite a bit...I am not really gonna touch upon Russia and it's borders that are in-flux.

Having spent last year in israel in jerusalem college of technology I can tell you firsthand that we were expected to be in a bunker within 30 seconds of the siren going off. Every single building has some sort of shelter either a basement bunker or structural bunkers throughout the building if it's a highrise.

murika sucks in this sucks in automobilia in general...

not saying that they did it right...obviously didn't since the hitch lock failed and there were no safety chains. The tongue weight could have been there when flat and the ramp shifted the CG over towards the back end. We routinely move around a small single axle trailer (1500Lb) by lifting the tongue (basicly

they say that "you should do what you love and love what you do" I guess if you are a carpenter...

it's not just tipping it up/down a few degrees...there's actually two+ mirrors/reflective surfaces in your center mirror...the few degrees flick that the tab puts on the mirror unit aligns the secondary surface (which reflects poorly and therefore a dimmer image back to you) time you are playing around with it

eh...I in the market for a new phone..was going to wait for them to drop the price on nexus 5 but if I can get an invite on this I will go for it...

it could be...not sure what their sales were like...although I do see a fair amount around...I think it's a fairly niché segment that they might want to keep a vehicle in.

are they cutting it out of the line-up for 2015?

You have to hit a certain amount before the coupon kicks in "TRT40" is $40 off $100 not necessarily 40% off.

another tick on the crazy drivers list for nissan...seems like they are solidly in the lead.

it's most infiniti's...and most nissans as well...don't know what the deal is with that corporation.

but what does that do for gas milage?

why stick such an antiquated engine in there. doesn't nissan have anything newer...131/139 out of a 2.0 is nothing.

Ah..florida...where both sides are at fault on a legal standpoint.