
Not sure about anyone else, but I would love to get one, and do a semi-restore to it. I think having one hooked up to my landline in a hall closet would be epic.

was there as middle of uploading over 500mb worth of media but meanwhile heres a video of a ferrari doing a donut in front of me.

Yep, I got mine when I started lifeguarding and it gets peoples out of the pool pretty quickly. Right now it's on my camelback that I use for hiking/biking through's good to be heard when a car starts to merge you off the road without realizing.

Israel is trying a new method of teaching people how to get on a train...They are paying anywhere from 100-200 people to stand by all the stops(about 4-5 people at each stop) to ask riders what the procedure is to get on the train (let people off and then get on) and if you answer wrong they tell you how...and then

used some to stiffen up my macbook power adapter...didn't have any large enough to to fit over the end so needed to take it apart and re-solder it back together.

"They're not forward-compatible at all...." not much is unfortunately, would save me a boat load of money...

Very relevant for what I was doing earlier...I was doing an unofficial upgrade on my Lenovo A1 from GB to ICS...would have been faster to be using multiple cards and readers instead of having to copy, rename, boot off of it, delete and repeat.

any idea if there is a physical chip difference that would make it incompatible or just a software issue..?

Most MicroSD cards come bundled with a microSD to SD adapter. I also find them to be a bit finicky, shouldn't be a difference in company since it's a simple pin exchanger and no actual circuitry...probably why it's finicky.

If only the world was filled with logical people who know where they stand as for as morals and ethics go. I am sure a polite "can you please move the car" followed by "sure" instead of flipping the bird at each other would have created a different outcome. have one built-in...should have picked a different stock photo.

I wouldn't really say that a homeowner has the rights to spots in front of their house but more of a priority...and that they at least deserve the courtesy when it comes to parking in front of them for long term/multiple times.

I live in a Cul-de-sac. If you came to visit me, go right ahead and park in front of the house...if visiting the neighbors unless there is no more space in front of their house I shouldn't have to see your car when I look out my window...but lets say a total stranger parks his car in front of my house and partly

Really confused by the was in production in 1999...the VW L1 which the XL1 is based off of was a concept that was revealed in this the new sarcasm style journalism, that we have all been holding onto the edge of our chairs for?

Xtrafinder has been giving me tabs, Don't use safari, only use my secondary display as a cinema screen and VLC lets me modify what fullscreen does. all the other things are a bit nicer but overall not really life changing...

editing...these guys aren't really sure how it's done.

one of the young women seem to have pointed out that there might be...and the last few seconds of video looked like it was trying to drive a point in.

I hardly know her....

VOTE: Leatherman surge.

might be because it's a camry..