
policie? hoping that this isn't a US issued boot.

I hear you on that last part...a few friends and I were sitting around trying to figure out what to do for the rest of the afternoon and on a total whim one of them suggested biking to central park in NYC. My road bike wasn't in working condition at the time so I took my Mt. bike...40 miles later I was cursing myself

I have clocked myself going down a hill at 45+mph on my mountain bike with 2" rugged tires and 24 speed drivetrain...never got my road bike to the same hill but I have been told by a friend who was following me on a similar hill that he had to apply a bit of gas to keep up and he was already in the 50 mph range...bit

he missed a few...

lucky...I got one of my neighbors to let me learn on his car as soon as I got my permit..would have taken my test on a stick except he went down to florida and NY doesn't let you drive to your own test, and no-one else was interested in driving it there...

I hear ya...when I was 12ish an older friend tossed me the keys to his stick-shift Vibe and was very surprised when I was able to start it up and even got it in gear before he told me to cut it was a total accident but still..(he had it in gear and when I couldn't start it , I went for the brake thinking

Chrysler straight out said that it's not going to fix the issue...I can see how that is slightly better then a secret memo, but not by much.

isn't this just the ford pinto all over trap if hit from the rear/company too cheap to develop and implement new gas tank.

I have personally never seen it work, but another commenter mentioned that he has done it...not sure how that works since the torque converter just by the nature of it being a fluid coupling kinda buffers the transfer of power from the wheels to the engine...brief visit to google should clear that up though...

that photo created a false image in my mind...I am sure I am not the only one.

it looks like a shoe...a fancy soe... probably made out of leather, or something...

the eye-opening thing was hilarious...

noted...I will try to keep an eye out for those monstrosities next time I am by the recycling depot.

yep...I have used my lawn tractor to jump start cars in the driveway if theres not another one around...and vice-versa.

out of a HDD?,,,man I am taking apart the wrong ones...mine are like an 1/8 inch thick and about an inch and a half of surface area...

yes Neodymium magnets are insanely powerful and not to be taken lightly but only the larger ones...I haven't come across any that's been in a HDD that's large enough to couse concern of appendage crushing.


great in a hot climate...but in one that gets pretty nippy the plastic gets brittle and cracks with even a small impact.

You are right, on the way to class I checked the parking lot to see if the wiki photo was current, you would see the large IL and flag in the blue area in the stock photo if it was an Israel plate.