used 1/4 inch slices of wine cork to separate my external harddrives...adds more airflow and isolates the minute amount of vibration that comes off of them.
used 1/4 inch slices of wine cork to separate my external harddrives...adds more airflow and isolates the minute amount of vibration that comes off of them.
the Honda Odyssey has had that rear-view cam. in the mirror for a while now.
um...what haven't I made from a wire camel bak cleaner is a wire hanger, I have a straightened hanger that goes across the side of my desk that has S hooks (also made of coat hanger) a dish drying rack, various sized hooks and eyelets....
not sure what the site says (due to it crashing)...but I have done 80 or so miles after the light has gone on before chickening out and refilling...probably the time I put 14.2 gallons in a 14.5 gallon tank...
And wow! Hey! What’s this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like … ow … ound … round … ground! That’s it! That’s a good name – ground!
I think it's just a bit of surface rust that gets wiped off with the first application of the brakes each morning/night...I usually see it on cars that have sat over the weekend when there was some precipitation.
that camry's are fun and quirky...
Hyundai put a little restricter valve in the clutch slave cylinder....the purpose of which was to prolong the moment of transfer on so that power was applied to the transmission in a smoother motion...but it wore the clutch down faster cause of the extra time it takes about 15 minutes to remove and…
It seems to effect most of their line-up. I have a theory that it is due to where they place the energy absorbing foam in the bumper not wrapping it around the corners far enough.
yet another case of camry dimple.
should have grabbed that tree on his right. Most of the slide was after it and he didn't have any momentum yet to cause injury.
"I'm sorry. It's just... it's such a pretty boat... ship."
little of not really expecting an answer.
I think the regular is only shown in 24fps.
found it..
the question implies that the vehicle is a new an old classic is out of the running...also having an über expensive sports car or something along those lines doesn't really work as a DD...and I forgot the rest of my reasoning...Hyundai Veloster Turbo with a 6spd.
hmmm...never seen a house drift like that before...
kinda looks like its based of a honda ridgeline.
I am assuming that the silver trays that run down the middle of the chassis at the 1:17ish mark are the bottom of the batteries...
cop bike where I am...