
I just realized that I gas up in jersey (manned pumps) i don't actually do any of this.

this only helps the people that pull-out have to let leave it in there a for few seconds after...also the whole tip up and shake thing.


wasn't aware that we had a .gif for the batshitcrazyjalopbabes.....

I think the headlight is supposed to be set in the hood and lift with it...not sure why this one isn't....

just a wire hanging the video you also have the front left one that seems to be intact.

no...these people have to be taught a matter the cost...

is that why it's all blurry and shaky...and for those at the :29 mark...look to the left...

I am not sure...there was some turn signal action....which we know is impossible because there were BMW this must be fake.

#2 is a lot like the Chesapeake bay bridge/tunnel...which I guess is older then 10 years since it's not on this list.

mom won't let me...but she doesn't know about the ATVs and can't hurt her.

ha...I-87 runs along one egde of my neighborhood...I think I heard these guys flooring it on mondayish...I am a little past exit 14...which is about 25 miles from the city.

wagon? check.

if you lease from this place they have RWD ones....

my day is about the same after watching this as it was before...just now I want my 1:39 back...I wanted truck driving over house...not truck nudging a shed to pieces and bad acting/scripting.

in store all you need is some form of student ID. I noticed that my high-school was on the list on apples website, I didn't have an .edu account or student ID but my father is a school admin. So he just flashed an ID while we were checking out.

some (possibly all) high schools qualified for apples student discount. Not sure if M$ has the same policy, but I don't see why not...

ha... they are using a harbor freight torch to burn the grass at 1:11.

Edit: sorry about the repost.

couse then we can't brag about being the ones who did the repairs...