
it's on jalopnik because a drive-through was mentioned...ergo cars.

well there is something to that with fuel injectors..I had a civic that when you had about a gallon and a half left in the tank you would have to give it a little gas while cranking or else the car will stall...something to do with the fuel pump not supplying enough fuel for the startup.

Thank you...I have that song on my ipod...not sure where it came from...anyhow never really pursued what it meant.

something strange happens at the 0:12ish mark...his body does a full perfect 180 just as the car hit's him..also the frame goes choppy..

we used to do something similar on one of the GTA...with a tank using the cannon as part of the drive system for a little extra boost in speed.

just ordered myself a leatherman adds a few things to an all ready awesome tool.

why is it that PT cruisers seem to be the most likely cars to have wacky paint jobs? it the new mural van?

seems to be on par...


fake photo...thats a one who has ever answered a call while driving a stick is that happy...

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call me when you can drive over a butt....there I fixed it for you.

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at the 0:13 mark the guy sounds like he belongs in this.

hmm...this or the Hyundai veloster turbo? This has more ponies...

that's alright...maybe it would have been easier to see if I had a star..../*hint*hint*wink*wink*cough*cough...or maybe I can just type in all CAPS...I hear it grabs peoples attention....anyhow thanks..

um...I hate to pull one off cleatus-buckwheatus...but I posted #5 a good hour and a half before him...

still waiting....

I hear you...there's leather and then there is double stitched quilted leather... not the same.

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the ollie over the curb at the 1:50 mark.