
not sure....there's a whole youtube channel of similar commercial if you are bored....

the steering does nothing?!?

there's a couple of streets near me that gets blocked by flocks of turkeys in the fall morning...they don't move for anything....

isn't that the opening scene to one of the Jurassic parks?

superman is joe from family guy?

daaang...a couple of friends and I hit over 3,000 in a weekend...we were using facebook as a running commentary of actual verbal conversations that we were having....i can't remember why we did so though....

cue the topless* jokes...

and that's why the original comment made sense....

and Caddy is GM's top of the line....

true...although you just drove over the same bumps and pissed the hell out of the guy in front of you...I found out that fogs and brights can't be on at the same time...I use that as a visual check...

why not zoidberg? :E

also cars that are equipped with fogs don't let you have both the fog lights and the brights to be on (it toggles between them) if the guy behind you is blinding you and his fogs are on, theres nothing you can do about it.....

missed a few...

fav. would have to be the swingset one and the snowboarding one...just because...

the badge gives it away...rockland county is still pretty large..I am near tallman and if you are on the other end it could be close to 30 miles away

wow that reads like a Dr. Seuss book....

neither have I...


thats where the "almost" comes in....