

wow something is totally messed up with her right breast....

got myself an ultra-gaugeā„¢ me all the data from any sensor that my car is equipped with...I hit a pot-hole about a month ago and right away got a pending code for the knock sensor (it was a HUGE pot-hole, thought I lost a tire) cleared it and never got it back...

this one...

damn...somehow I missed the "r" in crow and read the article header as "A Cow Sledding Down a Roof Is Amazing Even if it Makes No Sense"...

I have seen a similar trick done in a industrial kitchens...except that it's a just a channel made of tin-foil ....

why wouldn't they put in 6 bits?....and if there is no purpose of having the extra three then incorporate a cheap triple LED on the other side.

you are excused...although I don't think of it as any worse then any other smartphone....

um...last I checked their laptops had a somewhat decent battery life...but each to their own....

damage kinda lines up with the two car... also the Toyota/Lexus doesn't look that bad.

not understanding the article photo...the Toyota/Lexus crashed into a car with no front clip?

doesn't matter how many clips I see, it's essentially drifting a plane on a landing. And in my book that is totally badass.

I can't unsee the huge smiling cyclops....

like like?....or "like"like?

jet-skis thats what...

thats how I remember the pronunciation of the Veloster ....I start saying that and then I stop halfway...i am not sure why I felt the need to explain that....?

why are they using shaky camera method of filming?

um...I swear for some odd reason I did not read "for the first week" in your original comment....

ooooh shiny....something tells me it's not in a slow car....

everyone says that but after a week or so don't you think the muscle memory would have been rewritten?