
My point exactly, almost any car that has had work done on it is technically a "hybrid" (anytime a part is installed even if it's replacing another part can be said to be modified and therefore a hybrid of two vehicles, especially with model sharing parts)

I don't see that lasting for more the a hundred miles or so. Just contact wear from the road will form holes in the lumen (smaller tube) and leave you with a very expensive possibly flat (depending whether or not there is a valve system)tire. Also it seems that this concept can on;y work with a tubeless tire

So they say....

there we go...we now have a valid argument to park in the hybrid spots in IKEA. I won't feel so bad about taking those spots, because as a person why should it matter that what you drive controls where you can park? (last sentence needs a bit of work)


what if we go a step further, would a car that has interchangeable parts from another car be considered a hybrid?

rigggghhhht that would do it.......I had the image of a bay window with the glass opened in my mind.

wouldn't the window frame have the same properties as a doorway? You would have to be sitting in the actual frame, but besides for that I can only think that its more susceptible to have objects falling into it from the outside.

the way I see it, he put the troll tag up for his own comment knowing that he can't touch such a great line.

didn't feel anything up in rockland 20 miles north of NYC

Because morgan.

"Why Are All the Cellphone Companies Suing Each Other?"

I have had this urge to wake-up the dorm guys with a paintball gun in a similar fashion, but haven't built up the nerve/stupidity (some of those guys are HUGE) to do so.

I have a sudden urge to make this my DD. but not for $7,500......2 maybe 2 and a half.

Anyone with a coping saw and a few minutes would be able to produce a DIY-version from scrap-wood. heck, you know what? I got a coping saw and a few minutes......goes to garage.....couple minutes later comes out with a rough version of one of these......realize that I don't have any headphones to use this

haven't seen this one yet, so....

I would say it was a black 1992 Toyota Camry LE.

It always bugged me that there are tread marks from previous attempt/practice runs. it just ruins the continuity of the clip that they work so hard on editing to make it look like one long shot.


Thats probably what I meant, the website where I grabbed the photo wasn't too clear about it. Thanks for clarifying