
any austin martin from 007

HA, infiniti = Nissan

@Webman12: Sadly, I did not have it under collision only liability, so no check:(

@monte_ss: understood, thanks for the help.

@monte_ss: way too many miles to have on a metro especially for $1500 (maybe on a good day $500).

to find and purchase a car to replace my late honda civic.

@Novaload: a close-up on the "grand national" badge says otherwise.

All for snow tires. I lost a beautiful stock 1998 honda civic dx hatch a little less then 2 months ago , because I was too cheap to spring for snow tires.

small diesel paired with a 6 spd into a sixth gen honda civic hatch

@diddiyo: can I come over?

@En0s1: but if you have yet to see the image, I believe if you click on the image box it will open.