
Me? No, I’m not serious about it. I was just making the point that Mr. Bicep wasn’t so candidly making. I don’t agree with it in the least, because I do remember the obstruction that Obama faced. But, as I (and others) have noted, Obama came into office in 2008 with a huge majority in both houses of Congress. He got

Ugh....You’re not wrong, but hopefully there are SOME Republicans that are smart enough to know better. I mean, I don’t know any, but there’s gotta be SOME, right?????

We need people to be smarter than that....Good luck, of course, but there’s always (some?) hope!

Oh, I know that they bitched about Obama. I must live in a relatively bizarre world where I wasn’t surrounded by it like I am now. Most of my friends are liberal, so I didn’t see the daily bitching about Obama the way I see the daily bitching about Trump today.

You’re right. I’m not suggesting otherwise.

As I’ve stated in response to others, I personally did not suggest that Obama wasn’t hindered the way that Trump was. I fleshed out the implied argument on the original post. Never said I agreed with the logic, because I don’t. Republicans tried to railroad any and everything that Obama did from day one, but

Yeah, but it’s not MY argument. I was filling in the dots, because somebody asked for clarification. I didn’t think it required clarification. I don’t agree that anybody went easier on Obama, because they didn’t. I don’t remember daily fights about his cabinet appointments, but he went through some shit, no question.

God, I hope you’re wrong. I mean, you won’t be wrong, but shit. I can’t deal with people not admitting that this was the worst mistake in world history.

I do agree that there’s a difference. I didn’t claim otherwise. You asked for clarification of the original point, and I didn’t think it required clarification. It was an attempt at getting in a cheap shot and saying that we don’t have the right to bitch about DeVos, because nobody bitched about Obama’s Secretary of

Isn’t it pretty obvious? I think that the point being made here is that although Betsy DeVos is an idiot, the whole culture of hashtag activism and the idea that Trump shouldn’t get any single thing that he wants is a bit different than what Obama got during his first 20 days. Nobody remembers who Obama’s Education

I’m very much excited to learn what ailment bothers Tirico’s eyes during the 2018 Olympic games!!

Thanks for blowing it two weeks ago, asshole!!! Love, a Packers fan.

I counter with the many deaths of Melissa McCarthy, the most overrated actress on Earth.

Bahahahaha.... +1 Hamilton Nolan

No, no, no. It starts about 5 minutes after you check out BOFA!

AWWW, fuck Magary. I came here to make a joke about how there was actually a Super Bowl where the lights actually went out, and how that should be the darkest Super Bowl. But then I read what you wrote, and now you’ve made me empty inside, too. Thanks a lot, asshole! Just kidding about the asshole part, of course.

First, thank you on behalf of parents everywhere for doing the job that nobody wants to do.

“Unions would still exist, but they would have to work immeasurably harder to maintain their financial stability and relationships with members.”

Hey Barry! I just want you to know that I hated Tom Brady before hating Tom Brady was cool. But I still approve of this message. Fuck that guy.

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that people named Grayson are probably assholes.