Megsy McGee

A mentally unstable real estate tycoon swoops and defunds the clinic. :(

That saucy minx and her décolletage is right about one thing: champagne goes with everything, even pizza.

Of course! I feel like with Trump you don’t need to come up with any Machiavellian reasons for anything. Dude is just desperate to appear like he belongs so he’ll just spout out whatever bullet points he skimmed earlier in order to impress whoever he’s talking too.

The only thing Gideon Yago is burning these days are latte’s when it’s rush hour at coffee bean

They should have a policy where you have to jog the last block to get to the raid, and the problem will sort itself out.

I don’t want to post this... oh hell yes I do.

If you have more than two rolls of head fat you shouldn’t be allowed to go on raids

I like the fact that in every story involving ICE, the photo is always that fat balding fuck. I identify that fat fuck with the Fat Fuck in Chief that gave him the authority to bully his way into people’s lives. Therefore, it is effective and works. Good Kinja.

Well, on a positive note, thank you Bobby for reminding me how delightful Spy was!

Spy was so fucking good. Thanks for bringing it up so that I can go watch it again instead of seeing this trash pile!

This is so fucking disgusting. I don’t know what I want more, for Trump to actually get locked up for his blatant crimes or for him to rage stroke out and end the suspense.

Is it possible to catch someone with your loins? Seems like that could be a good skill set to have.

I always need several distinct layers of “here’s what women are doing wrong” to keep me warm, so thanks for contributing your part.

Ever notice how his eyes are always bloodshot and puffy?

My schaden-senses are tingling!

Spicer: *storms back to the podium after 35 minutes* “PERIOD!!” *storms off again*

🎶 Just another dick and a wall 🎶

No, it’s gold.

These details, TMG says, will be made public during the trial.

Yes. I feel more suspicious of every guy now. This thread is so terrifying — the beginning to so many of them sounds like situations I've been in.