
Call of duty is great too. Better if they are under 12

Play retarded games, win stupid prizes. Natural selection at its best.

Without killer apps, there is no reason to buy one yet. All we have right now are “experiences” You dont spend 800 dollars for an experience. Probably the people running vr arcades might be interested, but there is no incentive for hardcore gamers to buy one yet.

At least im 100 % sure I wont be killed lol. So at least im smart at what I do knowing I will have 0 consequences.

It should be a sin to call those graphics high resolution.

Passing you is not a crime, stealing is. Joking is not a crime, stealing is. Drinking the beer you bought is not a crime, stealing it is. See the difference?

Climbing, parachuting, base jumping are not crimes. Stealing is. Eat shit.

Stealing is a failure of character, not a phase everybody goes through. If you are stealing at age 15 it indicates your parents didnt teach you to respect other peoples property. At that age you already have agency to differentiate good from bad.

You are not being funny nor original.

He should have not stolen if he didnt want to end up dead though.

Her character was stupid and her decisions made no sense in any military way.

You cant expect much from a house negro.

Can’t wait to restart the game again!

I don’t think ive read sarcasm at this level before, congrats!

But No mans sky is not a “game pass” game.


The game became nothing of the things he said would be in the game, I cant believe that people still give that lying scumbag a chance.

Lol, who is going to bother with this waste of a game?


You decided to include the last Jedi in your list, you’ve got to be trolling now. Without the original movies there would be no star wars. It would be just another forgotten franchise like lost in space. The originals are the monolith on which everything else depends. Take those away and you have nothing.

You lost any semblance of respectability when you said that any prequel or sequel is better than the originals. Your opinion is worthless.