
Bought it.... you are looking for the word “bought”. You can also buy a game, purchase a game, or acquire a game through a transaction. Now your homework is to go out and “buied” grammar/spelling lessons. I truly wish someone with more time and patience would rewrite your post to something legible as I’m sure you had

Space Crabs

Same, already have it for PC but will be cool if we keep it regardless

Microsoft: Announces XB1 w/ tv, media, etc.

Saints Row

I never said equals, I said under the same umbrella. The PC may as well be the PSP which is a Sony system but is not equal to the PS4. I should have clarified that they do not see the PC as a competing console because they see the PC as one of their devices. They say _____ is Xbox exclusive in the same way Nintendo

I’d say the caveat as far as exclusivity & PC is involved is a bit of a branding issue rather than any kind of breach of promise. Microsoft sees Xbox and PC as being under the Microsoft umbrella, they don’t recognize a distinction between XB1 and Win10. If they say it is exclusive we essentially know at this point

I can’t help but feel this video sums up Texas...

I think the problem/realization is she was defending (correctly) and he was trolling (correctly). The moral of the story? Do not feed the trolls.

New Orleans...?

“Gorgeous. Now for everyone who ever comes over to carve their names in it...”

I actually love this idea, my friends and I are at the point we’re either getting married or having kids but we still have lan parties at least every 3-4 months as we can. While we are mainly on PC, we will break it up with some MK on the

Did he rape her because he hates women or did he rape her because he was physically attracted to her. A hate crime generally refers to criminal acts that are seen to have been motivated by bias against one or more of the types above, or of their derivatives which does not seem to be the case here. Read past the